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Getting Started with Research

Library Collections

Physical Collections

Digital Collections

  • Books
    • Academic titles
    • New/popular fiction
    • Graphic novels
    • Young adult books
    • Juvenile and picture books
  • Trade journals
  • DVDs
  • Audiobooks
  • Course reserves (materials your professors have set aside for you to use in the library—making use of this collection is a great way to save money on course materials!)

Library Spaces

NHTI's Learning Commons Library offers a variety of spaces to support your learning needs.
From classroom space to study rooms, and carrels to table seating, stop in today to see how we can support you!

Technological Equipment

In need of technological equipment?
The library has that covered for you, too!

What technological equipment can I borrow from the library for in-building use?

  • Laptops
  • Tablets
  • Scientific calculators
  • Bluetooth headsets
  • Noise-cancelling headphones